Bedroom Corner Makeover & DIY Metallic Chair Legs

I have finally gotten around to a little bedroom makeover that I have wanted to do for the longest time, primarily because I had no reading space in my bedroom. I sleep on an Eastern King bed, so finding something that would fit the small space was a challenge. Luckily, I was able to find a small accent chair at TJ Maxx that wasn't too large. It was small enough, in fact, that I was also able to add this charging side table to the area (bonus: it has an inner compartment to store small items AND has four charging ports total, both traditional and USB).

The chair I found at TJ Maxx had walnut colored legs, which I didn't love, but I did love the size and price (similar style linked here).

I decided to embark on a DIY project where I would spray paint the legs metallic gold to match the bench in front of my bed (it has light cream fabric and metallic gold legs). After some research, I decided on this metallic paint since it had excellent reviews, was inexpensive, and was available at my local Hobby Lobby.  I also learned that you need to seal the color using this sealer; otherwise, it will transfer to your hands when handling the chair.

Step 1: Cover all exposed parts of the chair with painter's tape. I used plastic bags as well (you can also use newspaper).

Step 2: Spray one coat in a well-ventilated area, keeping a distance of 10-12 inches from the surface you are spraying. I sprayed my chair outside in the backyard. Make sure you wear a mask and gloves, and spray on a day where temps are below 80 degrees F for best results.

Step 3: Let area dry for 10-15 minutes.

Step 4: Apply a second coat of spray. The directions say you can spray a 3rd coat at any time after that to refresh if needed (I only did two coats and felt that was sufficient).

Step 5: Let dry for one hour.

Step 6: Apply this sealer (it's also available at Hobby Lobby) and let sit for 4 hours (the sealer is dry to the touch in 15 min but takes 4 hours to cure per the directions).

Step 7:  Remove all painter's tape and bags, and pray that you sealed everything well (lol).

Bedroom corner before:  
With a bar stool that I never used because it was too high to sit on (my bar stools came in pairs and I only needed three, so I had put the extra one in my bedroom but it was useless).

Bedroom corner after: 
Small reading nook with a side table that serves as a charging station. Win win!

Have a great weekend!



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