Just another manic Monday

Ok, is it just me, or is the media doing a total overkill of the Swine Flu? It was plastered all over the Internet today, prompting me to read some of the articles while at work. Then I got caught up in clicking away at all the pictures associated with the articles, which I probably shouldn't have done because it's meaningless worry and stress over something I have no control over, right? Right.

Then I go to the gym to blow off some steam, only to be surrounded by all the flat screen TVs vaulted from the ceiling that are on channels which cover the crisis.

So I came home and watched "Dancing With the Stars" instead. I love watching others who have no previous dancing experience master all types of dancing because I'm horrid at anything other than bopping up and down to music at parties. The sight of me ballroom dancing is perhaps something worse in the world right now other than the flu epidemic.

Wishing you a worry-free week! I leave with something I found long ago which I thought was appropriate to post:

Controlling vs. Trust

Controlling is a direct response to our fear, panic, and sense of helplessness. It is a direct response to feeling overwhelmed and to distrust. We may not trust ourselves, God, or the process of life. Instead of trusting, we revert to control. We can approach this need to control by dealing with our fear. We deal with fear by trusting - ourselves, God, and this process we call life and recovery.

We can trust that when things don’t work out the way we want, God has something better planned. We can trust ourselves to get where we need to go, say what we need to say, do what we need to do, know what we need to know, be who we need to be, and become all we can become, when we are intended to do that, when we are ready and when the time is right.

We can trust in God to give us all the direction we need. We can trust ourselves to listen, and respond, accordingly. We can trust that all we need on this journey shall come to us. We will not get all we need for the entire journey today. We shall receive today’s supplies today, and tomorrow’s supplies tomorrow. We were never intended to carry supplies for the entire journey. The burden would be too heavy, and the way was intended to be light.

Trust in yourself. We do not have to plan, control and schedule all things. The schedule and plan have been written. All we need to do is show up. The way will become clear and the supplies will be amply and clearly provided, one day at a time. Trust, my friend, in today.

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