Friday Favorites

Happy Friday! Here are my favorites for the week:

1. Last week I posted about the Red Thai Curry from Trader Joe's. I tired their yellow curry last night and it was amazing! I served it over brown rice, with chicken and veggies. It was such an easy meal to prepare and is excellent-- it tastes like a restaurant quality dish.

2. I have an anniversary party to attend by the beach tomorrow, so I thought this dress would be perfect! It's super comfy and laid back. I'll be pairing it with nude heels.

3. I love all things clean, so when I saw this product, I was super excited and ordered it immediately. Given how much we handle our cell phones, this purchase was a no brainer.  Apparently it was on Shark Tank. Such a great invention!

Have a wonderful weekend!



  1. I'm always looking for new Trader Joe's meals. I need to check this one out! Hope you have a great weekend. Sierra Beautifully Candid

    1. It was excellent! You will love it. Have a great weekend as well and thanks for stopping by!

  2. I need to try that meal. It looks so good.

    1. You will love it! Thanks for stopping by. :)


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