The price of beauty...

...can be toxic. Or at least increase the risk of cancer. If I make it through my Environmental Health Science class and still be sane, I'll be happy. I already spent $115 today at Bed, Bath & Beyond buying hypoallergenic covers for my mattress, box spring, and pillow, AND I bought a new pillow after the professor told us about dust mites, bed bugs, and accumulated bacteria. It was completely gross.

Look at what might be lurking in your mattress and pillows:

Is that gross, or is that gross? I'll take gross for 100, Alex. You can read more about bed bugs and symptoms here.

But I digress. The original point of my post was to share with all you ladies the Environmental Working Group's Cosmetic Safety Database, which can be found here.

The database ranks everything from cosmetics to hair products to sunscreen on a scale of 1 to 10. Take a peek; you'll be surprised on what you learn.

I will post more tips throughout the quarter. Next time, I will post on which specific brand and flavor of potato chips is super hazardous to your health--so much so that California has banned this product from stores.


1 comment

  1. Hey guys look at the EWG Cosmetic Database, too! Haha. That's where I found my favorite sunscreens!


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