So I lied...kinda

I'm pooped and tired today from waking up super early for work, so vacation pictures will have to wait a few days. Sorry!

However, given that I'm a tennis player and fan, I decided to blog on two things I love: the color! Yes, pink tennis shoes. These are awesome! Melanie Oudin, the 17-year old American who is having an amazing run at the U.S. Open, has such shoes. Are these worth learning tennis or what? ;) I think so.



  1. Those are mega cute! Pink and shoes, (particularly heels) are some of my favorite things too!

  2. I agree! I totally noticed the shoes too!

  3. I thought her shoes were cute for her. Kind of a signature trademark that will help people remember her. She played well too--I was pulling for her!


Thank you for reading and for your comment! Have a wonderful day!