Manic Monday

I had FOUR coffees today...yes, four. That's when you know you're tired. It was very much a Monday that I hated. Driving home, the sun was setting and I was squinting, which made me uber sleepy, so I actually pulled over and took a nap in my car. Better safe than sorry, right? It's amazing what a 15 minute power nap will do. I then went to meet up with a friend at Starbucks to catch up, where I had, what else, more coffee. ;)

I plan to hopefully (*crosses fingers*) upload trip pictures starting tomorrow. I've had too much going on this past weekend (like my high school reunion which I helped organize) to post anything at all. So my apologies.

Happy Monday!



  1. oh my, 4 coffees!?! that's way to many, don't you think?!? but as you say if you're tired you gotta keep the boost coming right?
    Happy Tuesday!

    *stopping by from SITS! come check our randomness!

  2. Three cheers for coffee....and power naps!

  3. Good for you for pulling over! If all your coffee isn't making you perky, then a nap was definitely warranted.

    I hope with your fourth cup of coffee, you weren't tweaking well into the night!

  4. Yea, I had four too, I was jittering all over the place! Hey, from sits!


Thank you for reading and for your comment! Have a wonderful day!