As pink as bubblegum

I was out shopping and saw this car:

As much as I love the color pink and all things girly, I don't think I could drive something like this. It reminds me of Pepto Bismol on wheels.



  1. Oh gosh! Definitely pepto bismal on wheels! Or how about cotton candy on wheels?!

    Stopping by your blog from SITS hoping you do the same! Have a wonderful day!

    Jen :)

  2. Yep. You hit the nail on the head. Pepto Bismol on Wheels! I absolutely LOVE the color pink, but I think the only cars that can get away with this color are CLASSIC pink Thunderbirds and Cadillacs! Pink Mary Kay cars today also bug me a bit.
    Stopping by from SITS. You have an adorable blog!!!


  3. I love it! Is that bad? I once saw a white bug with daisy stickers all over it. I loved it so much I snapped a pic. I showed it to my boyfriend and he balked. He doesn't care what I drive, but inevitably, he'd be forced to drive it in for an oil change or something and be laughed out of the dealership.

  4. I agree with Kitty - it's adorable. So adorable in fact that I want to shrink it and let my niece's barbie ride in it. LOL

    I would love to see the girl that drives this car - L.O.V.E to...

    Here's a SITS hello :)

  5. I kinda like it but I would never drive it!! It kinda shouts out dandy cheerleaders on wheels!!

  6. Jasmin: I'm starting to think you're a "pink poser." You won't drive a pink car, won't work on a pink laptop, don't like guys wearing pink shirts and shorts together...what gives? Do you REALLY like pink?

    PS: what in the world is SITS?

  7. Umm....I'm from overseas!! What is pepto Bismol? Something sweet and girly, right? I'd love to buy a scooter, but! I'd never buy a pink one - maroon or black maybe?

  8. Umm....I'm from overseas!! What is pepto Bismol? Something sweet and girly, right? I'd love to buy a scooter, but! I'd never buy a pink one - maroon or black maybe?

  9. HAHAHHA Pepto Bismol?! That is so funny! :D

    From SITS :D

  10. I think "only in LA is right". The trucks in Texas would eat that thing alive.

  11. It's cute but it would look better in orange :P

    SE x


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