New Year's Resolutions

To get a jump start on the New Year, here are my New Year's Resolutions:

1. Sleep earlier (I need to get my 10 hours of beauty sleep per nite)

2. Save more money (aka, stay away from a mall): My bank account will grow, hopefully, despite my new car payment. The plan for financing my posh, frou frou, lavish, and extremely expensive wedding (to occur in the next 5 years, hopefully) is to use my RSU's and stocks.

3. Read more: I need to make a dent in my enormous reading list. First up: finishing the book She Said Yes. Then I'm moving on to Keys to the Kingdom.

4. Lose 10 lbs: this resolution comes standard with being female and is not open to interpretation or discussion. It is on my list every year and will continue to be so until I am old, wrinkley, and wear dentures.

That being said, I wish you all much luck with your resolutions throughout the year as I go about tackling mine.

My advice for the day: stay away from trees on rainy days...they are infested with worms. Trust me on this one.

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