Graduated and finally completed my MPH degree. Graduation was amazing! Our faculty and distinguished speakers sat on stage, and we were each called up by our individual programs. Two years of hard work led up to one wonderful day.
Went to my most beloved California city, San Francisco, for 4th of July. I can never get enough of the Warf, the sourdough, or the fact that everything in that city is accessible by foot. Oh, and did I mention the amazing coffee? I discovered possibly the best coffee I'd ever had: Blue Bottle Coffee. Dear Blue Bottle Coffee Corporation: Can you please open some shops in SoCal? Your New Orleans Iced Coffee = love in a cup.
Some shots of the city:
And since I obsessively take photos of all my food (don't judge), here are some SF highlights:
French toast...for dessert! Why not?
Another dessert, aka 3 hours in the gym
Duck dish
Fish dish of some sort...I forget the name. It's been too long.
Kobe beef burger (drool)
TRUFFLES! Holy moly, truffles are pricy.
Went to Las Vegas with my mama, where we both saw the most amazing singer: Celine Dion. I grew up listening to all her CDs, and got goose bumps when I heard her perform live for the first time ever. Her voice is AH-MAY-ZING live. She was born with that voice, folks, 'cause there's nothing in the world that can make it that way. Nope. She has mad pipes.
Even more awesome was the fact that her husband was in the audience and was gracious enough after to mingle with us common folk. I was only able to snap a quick picture of him. Can you spot his head? I have no other exciting pictures to show of the concert, as all photography and videoagraphy (is that even a word?) is banned.
August was the month of concerts for me, because I also saw the love of my life, Josh Groban. You can read all about my love for Josh here. Little did I know when I booked tickets for the floor section that I would literally be a about 10 feet away from a small stage set up in the middle of the arena where he opened up the concert.
August is also my birthday month. My dad is traveling this month and was traveling last month as well, but he sent me the cutest bouquet of flowers in the mail. I can see my dad looking at the bouquet online and thinking, "It's cute, it's fuzzy, she'll like it!" And like it I did.
Hope y'all had a great summer, because I sure did. Topic for later this week: house hunting stories. And decorating! Where are the best places to go to for home decor? Please share! I've already discovered The Container Store, Home Goods, Pier 1 Imports, and Urban Home, but I'd love to know where you guys shop for home trinkets.
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